GLOBE NEWSWIRE - Mar 15 - Lolly is the brainchild of Babson College senior Marc Baghadjian and NYU graduate, Sacha Schermerhorn. Lolly was born out of their frustration with dating apps. Lolly allows users to showcase their personality through videos and find people based on common interests. Lolly has attracted the attention of John Sculley (former CEO of Apple), Ron Conway's SV Angel, John Pleasants (former President of IAC), Blair Shane (former CMO of Sequoia Capital), Jane Metcalfe (co-founder of WIRED), Scott Eagle (former CMO of E-Harmony), Mitch Lowe (Founding Executive at Netflix), among others. In keeping with its focus on the Gen Z experience, Lolly is also currently working with investor California Crescent Fund, a student-run venture fund located in Southern California, to assist in community building and growth.
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