LTR - Apr 7 - The challenges of marketing online dating sites in a saturated market motived the development of niche dating with services tailored for smaller user groups and specific demographics or interests. With the rising popularity of these sites, the more standard niches have become saturated. According to David Minns, the Niche Online Dating Man, niche dating is no longer niche enough. Even more unique and focused approaches are needed to build and market a new brand in the current market. He has built a network of 14 niche dating sites, including Lisa50, Butterfly, and Joystick. Minns discusses his methods for navigating the niche market in the latest video in the LTR Conference series.
LTR stands for Love, Technology, Relationships and the online conference covers the Internet dating and Online Social Communities space. It is for members of IDEA and OSCA.
The January LTR was kindly sponsored by RealMe, vPaaS by The Meet Group, Utopia Analytics, Tawkify, Real Gifts & Courtland Brooks.