THE DATING GAME - June 14 - The Dating Game Podcast explores the highs and lows of meeting 'the one'. This week's podcast was focused on dating safety. In this episode, the hosts brought on Mark Brooks, strategic advisor to RealMe, an expert on the business of Internet dating.
- "It's taking many years for background checks to come of age", Mark Brooks says. "But there are some platforms now that are pretty well hooked into the databases that are available. RealMe, which is strong in the U.S., brings together the platforms that provide good comprehensive background checks, reputation checks, and verification. RealMe is specifically focused on the dating context which is unique."
- "It's our job, as dating apps, to set up a positive vibe on a first date, which probably should be online."
- "When a man is interested in a woman, he needs to indicate two things: 1. that he is interested, and 2. that he is safe. And we (dating apps) haven't done a good job with the second point yet unfortunately. We've done a really good job with the first one."
- "Before the first date, you have to do a little bit of homework, use your instinct and the video. MeetMe offers "one-to-many" video dating for users who are not comfortable with one-on-one video"