OPW - Edition 28 of the LTR (Love, Tech, Relationships) online experience will be on Wed, Jan 10th at 1PM EST (New York time). In this edition Rakesh Yadav, Client Solutions Manager - Dating, DACH at TikTok, will present "Dating on TikTok - How Dating Companies Are Winning on TikTok." We will also have a presentation from Neil Davis, Chief Business Officer at RealMe on Dating Safety: Cost or Revenue, After-thought or By-design and How the Garbo Experiment Actually Proved the Model.
We have a half-hour of networking on virtual tables, followed by 50 mins of presentations and another short networking session. 1.5 hours all-in.
If you hold a full-time leadership role at an Internet dating company, then you are welcome to join IDEA for free and welcome to join LTR events for free.
See the LTR Edition 28 speakers and invite page here.
Email [email protected] to RSVP.
This LTR is kindly sponsored by ParshipMeet Group, RealMe, along with Courtland Brooks and Matchmaker.com.