EL PERIODICO - "Everyone fibs on dating apps: men say they want to get married and women say they don't," says Mark Brooks, a well-known dating [industry] guru. With his team of 26 experts, he has advised 100+ companies in the sector on both sides of the ocean although he met his wife the old-fashioned way, through a friend of a friend. There's a lack of sexual education [in India]. Mumbai-based psychologist Tanya Nagpal is critical of the burgeoning dating coach industry. "The premise is how to get a woman, but not how to really behave in a relationship with that woman," she states. "Dating apps make it much easier for men to find prey, sexual predators," she explains. Men [in India] have a hard time navigating the disruption [dating] apps have caused. Millennials are the first generation to date in India. That's why, she argues, they need education. Educating men will prevent new rapists from growing up.