WSJ - Apr 9 - The past few months have seen a slew of new dating apps launch, eager to cash in on the success of Tinder. The app seems to have taken off. First a hit on college campuses, the app now boasts ~20K downloads a day and ~1.5 billion profiles ranked. Another app named Bang With Friends advertises that with their Facebook-based app, you can “anonymously find friends who are down for the night.” WouldLove2 allows you to choose which of your friends you might be interested in dating by putting them in your “locker.” If they in turn select you for their “locker,” you’re both contacted. EmbarrassNot allows you to choose four options: Labeling your friends with one heart means “I’d like to go on a date with this person,” Two hearts means “I’d like an Advanced relationship with this person,” Three hearts, “I’d like to start a family with this person,” and the broken heart - “I’d like to break up with this person.” Dating apps are catching on precisely because they’re so practical.
by Eric Sasson
See full article at WSJ