CNN - Apr 23 - A new website called Invite For a Bite serves as a sort of meeting place where women who hate supping solo can post invites and make plans to dine together. Cressida Howard came up with the idea for "the site I wanted to join but couldn't find." "I was listening to a BBC radio program that involved an interview with women who traveled alone for business or pleasure. They were all strong women who had no problem traveling alone, but the one thing they all got very animated about was how they hated eating alone," Howard said. Less than two months old, Invite For a Bite has already seen invites for get-togethers in places from New York City to Addis Ababa. For one, in some countries it is frowned upon for women to be out on their own, says Howard. And it can even be dangerous. Not that meeting strangers from a strange city in a strange place via the Invite For a Bite website doesn't bring up its own issues. Which is why Howard has devoted an entire page on the site to safety tips. Another issue addressed on the Invite For a Bite site is why it is for women only. "As soon as you introduce the idea of men and women meeting for meals, it becomes almost impossible to distinguish it from a dating site," says Howard. "No matter how many times you explained that it wasn't, common sense dictates that it would be treated as such by some people.
by Jill Becker
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