READ/WRITE WEB BLOG -- Oct 4 -- Social networks are becoming an important ingredient of all sorts of consumer experiences. Here are a few social networks worth keeping an eye on: LinkedIn - For business networking. CollectiveX - Team collaboration. Michael Arrington (TechCrunch) said CollectiveX is social networking "the way it should have been done in the first place." PeopleAggregator - A meta social network system which enables you to connect other social networking services together. Wetpaint - Free hosted websites. A combination of "wikis, blogs, and social networks." e.g. WikiFido. Multiply - Sharing your life, with privacy. Imeem - Allows sharing blogs, photos, audio, and video.
What we require is a system that connects all social networks. i.e. Social groupware - like CollectiveX and PeopleAggregator.
The full article was originally published at Read Write Web, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: Social networking will follow the same trajectory as internet dating. More niche sites will emerge. Users will have a presence on mainstream sites and add personas on niche sites. 'Profile portability' is needed but has never happened for dating sites. The sites want to lock in their userbase. Social networks, similarly, want to lock in their userbases. But they will take more heat from users for not allowing profiles to be ported to other sites. People like PeopleAggregator's founder (and Macromedia founder) Marc Canter have been pounding on the table for open networks and profile portability for a few years. Marc decided, if you can't join them, beat them, and developed PeopleAggregator independently.