OPW - Nov 9 - The Australian Internet Dating Conference, covering the Asia Pacific just finished up. Here's a few things I learned.
- There are 1.1 million monthly idaters in Australia.
- Oasis and RSVP and POF are the idating leaders.
- 5% of the 2100 scam victims reported to ACCC lost $100k+ last year.
- Operators say scammer safety warnings don't deter users.
- The iPad is the 'happy' device, used for entertainment and non-work apps.
- Consider using YouTube TrueView, Homepage and First Watch ads.
- Use Google Adwords Social Extensions and you'll see 5-10% CTR uplift.
- Use 'Ripples' on Google+ to Identify influencers.
- Use piktochart.com for quickly developing infographics.
- When planning content, use Google Trends and Linkedin Today to see what's making news.
- Use Spezify.com to identify content partners and search multiple media platforms and Hittail.com for getting content.
- For Influencer marketing: Traackr, Klout, Marketing Cloud, Twitalyzer, Followerwonk.
- Mobile ad returns are disappointing for Oasis.
- They get a lot better return on their msite than their app.
- 10-15% of Oasis ad revenues come from advertising other idating sites.
- Oasis is launching freemium products next month.
- White Label Dating has $7.5 million revenues (run-rate) in the Australia.
- Japan has 4.5 million idaters.
- The leading dating sites in Japan has billboards on trucks.
- There are 180 million bachelors in China.
- The Chinese idating market should be worth $315m in 2015.
- 18% of Asia internet traffic is on mobile, compared with 8% in North America.
- Mobile developers are increasingly using HTML5 web over native apps.
- The iDating industry is weak on engagement marketing (Push/SMS/Email) compared to the gaming industry.
- OtherLevels.com helps analyze and optimize cross channel engagement efforts.