BQLIVE.CO.UK - Feb 20 - Peter Jones and Nick Jenkins secured a 'yes' from John Kershaw for an £80k investment, representing a 20% stake in software firm M14 Industries, the makers of niche dating app software powering solutions like Bristlr and Spex. One by one, each of the Dragons fell for John and his bearded charms, and made him five offers. So many offers, that he had to borrow a pen and paper from the Dragons to do some sums to make his decision. In the end, it was the combination of Nick Jenkins and Peter Jones who John felt offered the most to his business, and he was happy to shake their hands. Bristlr is a niche dating app that connects people with beards with people who like beards. The site claims ~170k users. Spex connects people who wear glasses.
by Suzy Jackson
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Mark Brooks: M14's appearance on Dragon's Den is available now on the BBC iPlayer at
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