INDIAN EXPRESS - Aug 5 - Dil Mil, Gleeden and Bumble are a clear indicators of a new trend of women-focused dating apps in India. Indian men are not allowed on Dil Mil. The app is for women and NRI (non-resident Indian) men only. French dating platform Gleeden, which markets itself as an app for women who are already in a relationship, is free for women but charges men to send messages. On Bumble, only a woman can initiate a conversation and her identity is protected. Priti Joshi, Bumble's Global Director of Strategy, said their initial research has shown women wanted to feel secure and comfortable when making connections online. "Therefore, we developed a feature specific to India - for women using Bumble Date, only her first initial will show. In India, there is still a certain taboo attached to online dating, which is why many users, especially women resort to fake profiles or different geolocation to protect their identity."
by Hansa Verma
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