Q: How is Wingman unique?
A: Wingman makes online dating a team effort, allowing friends and family to play virtual matchmaker.
Q: When you launched your business what do you wish you had known?
A: Every journey begins from a different starting point and people love to talk about the highs and not the lows. Comparing your journey to someone else is pointless. It is all a learning process.
Q: Do you as a female entrepreneur in tech sometimes face additional challenges when it comes to 'owning' a room?
A: There are many men out there who celebrate women breaking barriers (admittedly it's the minority) but I focused on finding those people and using them as mentors and advisors.
Q: What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
A: Preparation, research and resilience are key. All feedback, good and bad, will help you.
Q: How do you aim to grow Wingman in the future?
A: Wingman will continue to grow in the UK with an exciting new feature list being rolled out. Wingman will launch in different countries over the next 12 months.
by Oli Ballard
See full article at Business Leader
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